Join Genny Krackau to support warriors who have had
NDEs! She will be a Veterans/Military Discussion Group
Panelist at IANDS 2024 Conference
August 28 - September 1, 2024

Listen to the Replay Right Here


Author, Clinical Researcher & Lecturer
Multiple STEr & OBEr
Co-facilitator of the Military NDE Workshop
IANDS Experiencer’s Lounge Participant
Panelist: Military NDE Discussion Group
IANDS proudly announces that author and lecturer Genny Krackau will be a Participant at their 2019 Conference in King of Prussia, PA near Philadelphia! Genny invites you to visit conference.iands.org to register today!

Genny Krackau, author of “Beyond The Explosion”, is a life resident of San Antonio, Texas. She spent the majority of her Civil Service career working in the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and then retired from the U.S. Army Medical Command, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. After her retirement, she worked several government contract jobs within the AMEDD. Of special interest was a research study with wounded warriors for combat related injuries. Additional research included military and civilian burn injuries, supporting a clinical trial for head injury patients and hearing conservation research with the Department of Defense Hearing Center of Excellence. Her sincere dedication and compassion for the patient is well established by her numerous accomplishments and awards. She always put the patient first and foremost in any job she performed. It's no surprise that by compiling these Combat Near-Death Experience stories, she once again is serving the military in a very unique and special way.
Military NDE Discussion Group: (Free) Open to All!
Ret. Army COL Vietnam Vet Dr. Diane Corcoran, Ph.D, RN, NDE Pioneer & Vice-President of IANDS
will act as Moderator.
Saturday, August 31, 11:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Moderator Ret. Army COL Dr. Diane Corcoran has invited Genny Krackau, author of a one of a kind Combat Soldier’s NDE book called, “Beyond the Explosion: Stories of the Light”, to be a featured panelist in her Military NDE Discussion Group. Everyone, especially veterans, their families, friends and caretakers are welcome to attend and participate in an open forum discussion of the NDE and STEs of combat vets. This forum was developed by Dr. Corcoran to be a safe place for vets to share their NDE/STE and the impact it has had on their lives without fear of ridicule or judgement. This discussion group will provide vets with the validation, education and support of their experiences. Dr. Diane will also discuss the ways of helping military address the “gap in care” and provide training to providers. She gathered together an elite group of vet NDE supporters and NDE experts to participate in the discussion of topics related to vet NDEs, and to help answer any questions of experiencers. Some of the experts include:
Ret. Army COL Dr. Diane Corcoran, Ph.D, RN will be the Military Discussion Group Moderator. Dr. Corcoran is the former President of IANDS, current Vice-President of IANDS, Head of IANDS 2019 Conference, the world’s NDE Pioneer, mother of the Vet NDE Project, International Speaker, International Workshop Presenter, International NDE Educator & Trainer and the Executive Director of Corcoran Consulting.
Genny Krackau is a multiple STEr and OBEr, lecturer and author of a one of a kind Combat NDE book, Beyond the Explosion: Stories of the Light. She spent her Civil Service career in the U.S. Army Medical Department and retired from the U.S. Army Medical Command.
Kelvin Chin is the Executive Director & Founder of the Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation and the “Turning Within” Meditation Foundation. He has worked closely with the military helping soldiers, veterans, contractors in war zones, and “Gold Star Families” deal with and overcome the full range of issues that come with military service, both in war zones overseas and in the U.S. He is the author of, Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems.
Dr. Ingrid Honkala is a Marine Biologist, Master Scuba Diver, NASA and Navy Scientist, international lecturer, childhood NDEr and has had on-going STEs with Beings of Light since her drowning NDE at age 2. She is married to a retired U.S. Navy veteran who served in Special Operations. Ingrid has also worked for the Colombian and U.S. Navies for over thirteen years. Since birth, Ingrid lived and worked in intense combat zones of South America and was diagnosed with combat-related PTSD. She authored the book, A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom.
Army Vietnam Vet Rev. Bill McDonald, multiple NDEr/STEr, PTSD consultant, international motivational speaker, artist, film adviser, veteran advocate, an award-winning poet and author of, A Spiritual Warrior’s Journey, & Alchemy of a Warrior’s Heart.
Roberta Moore, STEr, producer, director and videographer of numerous NDE and spiritual-related films such as IANDS Vet NDE documentary, Understanding Veterans’ Near-Death Experiences, and much, much more.
Raymond O’Brien, Multiple NDEr/STEr, international NDE lecturer, outreach, consultant, and the UK’s first NDE survivor who became a NDE Trauma Counselor.
Ret. Navy CPO Tony Woody is an NDEr, multiple STEr, lecturer, and a spokesperson and co-facilitator of IANDS Military Workshops and Discussion Groups. Tony is an immovable Veteran Advocate, championing a wide array of veteran related issues such as, healthcare, educating the international community about the aftereffects of Vet’s NDEs and how medical professionals can help close the gap of care of Combat soldiers who had NDEs/STEs. Tony shares with vet NDErs all over the world where he found his answers to his experience in the Light.
Military Workshop: (Free) Open to All!
Featuring Army Vietnam Vet Rev. Bill McDonald
Saturday, August 31, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Workshop Presenter, Vietnam Vet Rev. Bill McDonald has invited author Genny Krackau to be a Co-facilitator in his Military NDE Workshop. This is a two-hour interactive group where facilitators will guide and direct participants in their own healing process. The primary focus of this workshop is on the issues facing military veterans; however, all are invited and welcome to attend and participate. Those who have family and friends who have served in the armed forces might also benefit from the information given and shared within this group. We will be looking at the effects of NDEs and STEs on the careers and emotional state on veterans. By understanding and sharing these experiences in a safe environment, we hope to give comfort and insight for those seeking to find peace with what happened to them. Did anyone actually understand you, or what happened? Did their reactions exasperate your anxiety and emotional state? Did you have a moral injury? We will deal with these issues and more. Presenter and co-facilitators will include:
Army Vietnam Vet Rev. Bill McDonald, multiple NDEr/STEr, PTSD consultant, minister, international motivational speaker, artist, film adviser, veteran advocate, an award-winning poet and author of, A Spiritual Warrior’s Journey, & Alchemy of a Warrior’s Heart and more. Awarded The Distinguished Flying Cross, The Bronze Star, The Purple Heart Medal, 14 Air Medals, The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, etc. In addition, he founded The Military Writer’s Society of America and Spiritual Warrior Ministries.
Genny Krackau is a multiple STEr and OBEr, lecturer and author of a one of a kind Combat NDE book, Beyond the Explosion: Stories of the Light. She has spent her Civil Service career in the U. S. Army Medical Department and retired from the U.S. Army Medical Command. Genny will be a featured panelist in the Military Discussion Group moderated by Ret. Army COL Dr. Diane Corcoran.
Kelvin Chin, J.D. is the Executive Director & Founder of the Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundation and the “Turning Within” Meditation Foundation. He has worked closely with the military helping soldiers, veterans, contractors in war zones, and “Gold Star Families” deal with and overcome the full range of issues that come with military service, both in war zones overseas and in the U.S. He is the author of, Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems.
Ret. Army COL Dr. Diane Corcoran, Ph.D, RN will be the Military Discussion Group Moderator. She is the former President of IANDS, current Vice-President of IANDS, Head of IANDS 2019 Conference, the world’s first NDE Pioneer, mother of the Vet NDE Project, International Speaker, International Workshop Presenter, International NDE Educator & Trainer and the Executive Director of Corcoran Consulting.
Dr. Ingrid Honkala is a Marine Biologist, Master Scuba Diver, NASA and Navy Scientist, international lecturer, childhood NDEr and has had on-going STEs with Beings of Light since her drowning NDE at age 2. She is married to a retired US Navy veteran who served in Special Operations. Ingrid has also worked for the Colombian and U.S. Navies for over thirteen years. Since birth, Ingrid lived and worked in intense combat zones of South America and was diagnosed with combat-related PTSD. She authored the book, A Brightly Guided Life: How aScientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom.
Roberta Moore is a multiple STEr, lecturer, producer, director and videographer of numerous NDE and spiritual-related films such as IANDS Vet NDE documentary, Understanding Veterans’ Near-Death Experiences, and much, much more. Current IANDS Board of Director.
Raymond O’Brien is a multiple NDEr/STEr, international NDE lecturer, outreach, consultant, and the UK’s first NDE survivor who became a NDE Trauma Counselor.
Sue Pighini is a multiple NDEr and STEr, an award-winning author, leadership seminar trainer, Transformational Life Coach and a motivational speaker. Her passion to help veterans heal from their combat related PTSD, depression, thoughts of suicide and coping with any of the negative aftereffects of NDEs is paramount. She experienced great loss when her father committed suicide after developing service-connected cancer and again when her brother died of cancer due to agent orange exposure during Vietnam. Her healing strategy is based on helping veterans “reconstruct” their lives by re-focusing their experiences as being “gifts” instead of obstructions.
Ret. Navy CPO Tony Woody is an NDEr, multiple STEr, lecturer, and a spokesperson and co-facilitator of IANDS Military Workshops and Discussion Groups. Tony is an immovable Veteran Advocate, championing a wide array of veteran related issues such as, healthcare, educating the international community about the aftereffects of Vet’s NDEs and how medical professionals can help close the gap of care of Combat soldiers who had NDEs/STEs. Tony shares with vet NDErs all over the world where he found his answers to his experience in the Light.
The Experiencer’s Lounge: All visitors are welcome!
Thursday, August 29-Saturday August 31, 2019, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Sunday, September 1, 2019, 10a.m. - 4p.m.
Hosts, Ellyn Dye and Vietnam Vet Rev. Bill McDonald welcome all to visit The Experiencer Lounge. It is a safe place for Experiencers (NDE or STE) to gather, meet and share their experiences and challenges with integration. It’s a great space to “hang out” with other people who “get” them. The Lounge will be an environment of respite from the programming, lectures, and large numbers of people at the conference, a place to sit quietly alone or to join in on a conversation or discussion. It’s a place for camaraderie, validation, and support! Conference presenters and other volunteers will visit off and on to offer support and to answer any questions that may arise! Here is list of Conference presenters who will be visiting: Genny Krackau, Vietnam Vet Rev. Bill McDonald, Raymond O’Brien, Sandra Champlain, Kelvin Chin, Ret. COL Dr. Diane Corcoran, Ellyn Dye, Dr. Ingrid Honkala, Sue Pighini, Ret. Navy CPO Tony Woody and many more!